Loreto Secondary School
St Michael's


At St Michael's we aim at all times to provide an atmosphere that supports our students social, emotional and physical wellbeing. It is at the heart of the schools mission statement.
Wellbeing related policies in relation to behaviour, internet safety, extracurricular activities and Anti-Bullying are all in place. These are shared with students and parents/guardians and are regularly reviewed.
There is a coherent and coordinated approach to the provision of SPHE, CSPE and PE as part of the Wellbeing programme in Junior Cycle.

In St Michael's we have a long established tradition of promoting the Wellbeing of our students. As part of our commitment to this Wellbeing Programme our girls will participate in

  • Choir
  • Physical Education
  • Civic, Social and Political Education
  • Social, Personal and Health Education
  • Digital Literacy
  • School Guidance
  • Meditation
  • Tutor classes

In addition to Wellbeing within the curriculum, we offer many other opportunities for our students to focus and work on their Wellbeing. We have a dedicated Wellbeing Coordinator, who works with our Wellbeing Team of students to promote Wellbeing and coordinate Wellbeing events througout the year.

Below please find a list of some of the Wellbeing talks/events carried out this year:

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness talk on 7th Jan 2020
Rayse the Game talk - Cyberbullying 21 Jan 2020
TY SPHE module
Personal Safety Module
Sli na Slainte - through work with Irish Heart Foundation
Talk on RSE by local Public Health Nurse on 16th Sep 2019
Bonding Day - 26th Sep 2019
Mission Week - 23 - 25 Oct 2019
Stand Up Awareness Week 11-15 Nov 2019
Bullying Awareness Week 21 - 23 Jan 2020
Managing your emotions - Dr Brian McLean (Clinical Psychologist) on 28th Jan 2020
Managing stress and anxiety - Elfreda Managhan Vaughan - 18th Sep 2019
Goal Setting - Liam Moggan - 23 Sep 2019

In September 2019 the Wellbeing Team established our Zen Zone. The Zen Zone was borne out of a workshop between the Wellbeing Team and our Student Representative Council. The focus of the workshop was

  • What is Wellbeing?
  • What really matters for young people's Wellbeing?
  • What can the school do to support students in their Wellbeing?
  • Finish the sentences…”To support their Wellbeing young people need to learn……”

The feedback and discussion generated in the workshop led to the establishment of the Zen Zone and to the design of the posters in the Zen Zone area.

Zen Zone 2.jpg

Below please find just a flavour of some of the Wellbeing events that have occured this year in St Michael's.

In October 2019 the Wellbeing Team met to organise World Mental Health Day. A display - “It’s ok not to feel ok” was put together where every 1st and 2nd year made positive mental health statements. The Wellbeing Team made announcements to the school about "5 Ways to Wellbeing" and 1st years participated in a Drop in Centre - "Cookie and a chat".

Mental Health Day.png

Today is World Mental Health Day

Here at St Michael’s we acknowledge the huge importance of our students’ mental health. Our school Wellbeing team spoke to the girls about the Five Ways of Wellbeing. These include staying connected, being active, taking notice, continuing to learn and giving to others. The girls also held a drop in centre at lunchtime for junior students who just wanted a chat and a cookie. Our Second and First Years helped to decorate the noticeboard in the foyer with positive posters. Overall, the message of the day was that it is okay not to feel okay. Well done to Ms Cullen, the Wellbeing team for their continued hard work in promoting wellbeing among our students, and to all involved in marking the day.


Here Alex from 1 Sincerity meets Amanda from 6 Sincerity for the first time.

Saturday 9 November marks the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. This wall stood as a symbol of division between East and West Berlin for 28 years. The German artist Mieke Ziegler has created a handshake mould wall in Berlin as part of the city’s celebrations. Here in Loreto we have created our own handshake wall.Each First Year has joined hands in symbolic friendship with a Sixth Year they do not know. We also had a piece of the Berlin Wall on display in school this week.

Our Handshake Wall created a sense of community and friendship between our 1st Year and 6th Year groups. Thank you to Ms Cullen for organising the creation of the Handshake Wall, and thank you to Ms Hayes for providing a piece of the Berlin Wall for our display.


It was CHRISTMAS in the canteen today for all Senior Years. Thanks to the STUDENT COUNCIL and WELL BEING TEAM for their efficient and organised event management and to their co-ordinators Ms Ryan and Ms Cullen for their supervision. A huge thank you also to Nikki and John in the canteen for their Trojan work and tasty food.

School Self Evaluation 2021

Link to Google Forms on Multiple Intelligences

SSE MI 1st year

SSE MI 2nd year

Jan 21
OIDE Cluster Day
Jan 25
1st year 2025 - 2026 CATs
Jan 29
TY Musical
Feb 03
St. Michael's, Navan, Co. Meath, C15YF83
046 902 3830
Exams Commission
© 2025 Loreto Secondary School, Navan