Loreto Secondary School
St Michael's

Supervised Study in St Michael's

Supervised Study in St Michael's

Supervised Study

An excellent after-school study facility is offered for two hours at the end of each school day. It is particularly designed to suit third years, fifth years and sixth years with other year groups included subject to availability of places. This facility will provide students with an opportunity to develop a structured approach to their studies in preparation for their state and school examinations. It is worth noting that study is conducted in a strict, regimented and no-nonsense atmosphere conducive to academic rigour. The study centres are well supervised and an attendance record is taken. Parents or guardians are informed of absence by immediate text message.

Supervised Study will commence on Monday, 2nd September at 4pm in the Study Hall for this academic year 2024-25. This first term session is 15 weeks and concludes on Friday 20th December 2024. Each supervised study session is two hours each evening

- Monday & Tuesday from 4pm-6pm

- Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:30pm

- Thursday & Friday from 3:50-5:50pm.

The first-term fees are determined by the number of study days that are attended each week: 5 days is €175, 4 days is €140, 3 days is €105, 2 days is €70 and 1 day is €35.

Note: A family rate applies if there is more than one child attending Evening Study per household - the subsequent child(ren) pay half fees.

Payment fees are due by the 30th September 2024 and are payable via the School App.


If your daughter wishes to avail of evening study, she must complete the Application Form here. Payment can be made via link on the School App by 30th September for Term 1.


The purpose of supervised study is to provide a silent environment conducive to work. In the interests of all students and to avoid unnecessary disruption the following rules apply for the duration of study:

  1. Students are expected to attend on time.
  2. Students are expected to bring all books/texts/materials to study and to avoid borrowing or moving around to get books from other students.
  3. No use of electronic devices including mobile phones, iPods or MP3 players.
  4. No communication with other students, verbal or non-verbal.
  5. No food or drinks, except water.
  6. Students have no permission to leave the School Campus or study elsewhere in the school during study times.
  7. Students who arrive late, or wish to leave study early, must present a note ,with written parental permission, to the supervisor.
  8. Students must leave the study hall clean and tidy on their exit each evening.
  9. Always cooperate with the Study Supervisor in a courteous and cooperative manner.
  10. Students who persistently breach these rules may be removed from study.

Please click on this link to send a message about your daughter leaving Evening Study early: Permission to leave Evening Study early form

For study skill tips see our study skills tips page

Top Tips for Studying - Click here

Feb 04
Mock Examinations
Feb 13
Parent/Guardian Meeting re 5th year trip to Paris
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 27
5th year Parent Teacher Meeting
St. Michael's, Navan, Co. Meath, C15YF83
046 902 3830
Exams Commission
© 2025 Loreto Secondary School, Navan