"Women in time to come will do much"
Mary Ward - Loreto Foundress
Mission Statement
Here in St Michael’s we provide a happy and secure student-centred place of learning. Inclusivity, respect, kindness and encouragement are central to everything we do.
Philosophy of Education
As a Catholic school we endeavour to be an educational community where:
- The Loreto Values of justice, freedom, truth, sincerity and joy are lived,
- We are all accepted,
- We all belong,
- Shared leadership comes with shared responsibility,
- Critical thinking, Restorative Practice, digital and social-awareness are fundamental,
- Being responsive to, and reflective of, a modern world are important,
- We are respectful of our traditions,
- Global citizenship, interconnectedness and creativity are celebrated,
- Staff, students, parents, past-pupils, and management co-operate for the common good.
Our practice and philosophy as a faith school is captured in our Loreto "Continuing the Journey" the "Loreto Kolkata Guidelines" and the Mary Ward Compass.
Our Community
Loreto Secondary School, St Michael’s is part of the wider Navan and County Meath community. We try to develop and sustain links with local parish, groups, and businesses.
Our students are at the centre of our School Community. We enrol students aged 12 – 18 from approximately twenty-two Primary Schools in a wide area of County Meath.
The staff numbers 52 which includes 2 Career Guidance Counsellors, Pastoral Guides, teachers of academic subjects, specialist teachers, and ancillary staff. We also have the services of a Counsellor/Psychotherapist to help students who experience personal difficulties.
Our Office personnel are also a very important part of the school community and they provide a friendly, and professional service.
The Parents’ Association is long established and membership includes all parents/guardians of students in St Michael’s, and the Principal of the school. An elected Parents’ Association is very active and involved in the school each year.
The school is managed by a Board of Management on a three-year appointment basis. Parents and Staff elect members to the Board and the Trustees also appoint members.
Trusteeship of the school is in the hands of the Loreto Education Trust Board