Praise Olorunniwo ( Deputy HG), Lucy Lynch ( Deputy HG), Sarah Jane Donnelly ( Head Girl), Ciara Flannagan ( Deputy HG)
Student Leadership Team 2024 -2025

Loreto Secondary School St Michael's
Student Leadership Team
Our student leadership team comprises of prefects and peer mediators. Their roles include:
- Supporting First Years
- Organising Mission Week
- Promoting Peace & Justice
- Assisting with Bullying Awareness Week events
- Peer Mediation (student to student Restorative Practice)
- Each student leader checks in with an assigned class group and liaises with class captain and vice captain.
- Assisting with Metanoia & Mindfulness 365
We are very proud of our Student Leadership team who play a central role here in St Michael's. We encourage and support our students to get involved in school life, develop their leadership skills and contribute positively to their school community and indeed their community outside of school.
There are many ways in which our girls are involved in leadership roles in our school:
- Head Girl
- Deputy Head Girl
- Senior Prefects
- Peer Mediator Coordinators
- Peer Mediators
- Wellbeing Team
- Student Representative Council
- Sports Coordinators
- Subject Coordinators
- Class Captains
- Class Deputy Captains
Loreto Secondary School, St Michael's
Student Representative Council (SRC)
The SRC aims:
- To foster and facilitate good communication between students, student groups within the school, the
student senior leadership team, staff, parents, school management, youth organisations and other
appropriate organisations in the wider community.
- To assist school management and the student senior leadership team, when appropriate on school matters
and decision-making.
- To help further generate good relations and a sense of wellbeing between students, staff and management.
- To provide certain services for students.
- To ensure that the student voice is heard and that students are recognised as valued stakeholders in their
own education.

We are very proud of the SRC and would like to thank Mr McGivney and all the members for their hard work and dedication this year. Loreto St Michael's is very fortunate to have such an enthusiastic and committed Council. For a little visual flavour of the work of the council, please see the photos below.
For further reading on the work of our Student Representative Council, please find below the link to our Constitution and annual reports.
SRC Constitution
SRC Annual Reports
SRC Report 2019-2020
Student Council Annual Report 2020-21