Loreto Secondary School
St Michael's

School Transport

Department of Education guidelines, information and updates will be provided here

Message from Bus Eireann - March 5th 2022

Dear Principal,

As you are aware Bus Éireann operates the school transport scheme on behalf of the Department of Education. Applications for the next academic year are currently being received from parents. As we currently operate school bus services to your school, I am requesting your co-operation to forward the information, below to families of pupils heading into 1st year in September 2022. It would also assist if you could display the information on your school’s website or Facebook page. By doing this we will reach a much wider audience and applications could be received more timely in Bus Éireann.

For the 2021/2022 school year we received 1525 applications for Co. Meath and currently we have received 427 applications.

  • Applications for School Transport for the new school year are currently open and can be accessed online at https://www.buseireann.ie/inner.php?id=522
  • Details of the scheme are also available on Bus Éireann’s website and https://www.education.ie/en/Parents/Services/School-Transport/
  • The closing date for applications is Friday 29th April 2022
  • Existing school transport applications will automatically roll over into the new school year
  • Payments or medical cards are not required at this stage, only required in July 2022

Kind regards,

Kellyanne Greene,

Kellyanne Greene, School Transport Office

Broadstone, Dublin 7.

Telephone 01 830 2222 Email schools.dublin@buseireann.ie

The following was issued on April 24th 2020

School Transport Service

First of all, I want to remind parents that applications for school transport for the next school year close today. Following the initial announcement that schools would be closed until the 29 March, and in light of the exceptional circumstances, it was agreed that school transport contractors would be paid at the normal or full rate for the period up to 29 March.

Subsequently, it was then decided that a payment of 50% would be afforded for the week commencing Monday 30 March until now. This 50% rate of payment will now continue to be paid to contractors while schools are closed in this academic year.

One of the other issues raised was the payment for bus services. Given that the school transport service has not been available to children for the last number of weeks, a refund for that period of closure will be issued to parents. The precise refund will be calculated at the end of the school year when the exact impact is known.

Feb 04
Mock Examinations
Feb 13
Parent/Guardian Meeting re 5th year trip to Paris
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 27
5th year Parent Teacher Meeting
St. Michael's, Navan, Co. Meath, C15YF83
046 902 3830
Exams Commission
© 2025 Loreto Secondary School, Navan