What is the Leaving Cert Applied Programme?
The Leaving Cert Applied is a 2 year programme aimed at preparing learners for adult and working life.
It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the traditional Leaving Cert has not recognised in the past.
It is designed for students who wish to follow a practical Leaving Cert with a vocational focus.
Who should apply to follow the LCA Programme?
Someone who wants to stay in school and get a Leaving Cert.
Someone who prefers learning by doing.
Someone who is not quite ready for college or university and would like to progress to a PLC first.
Someone who is a very good attender and who will meet the 90% Attendance Requirement of the Programme.
What is different about the LCA Programme?
LCA is a 2 year programme divided into 4 ‘Sessions’.
Sessions 1 and 2 are completed in Year 1.
Sessions 3 and 4 are completed in Year 2.
Students gain credits for completing key assignments that are handed up for assessment at the end.
Students complete 7 tasks over 2 years.
Course work is assessed continually throughout the two years.
Student’s work and skill development is assessed in different ways, including interviews, written, oral and practical components.
What courses are on offer?
English and Communications
Mathematical Applications
Information and Communication Technology
Mathematical Applications
Vocational Preparation and Guidance
Gaeilge (Year 1 or Year 2)
Modern Foreign Language (Year 1 or Year 2)
Social Education
Arts Education (Music)
Leisure and Recreation
Elective Modules
In addition to the above, students will complete two Vocational Specialisms, for example
Craft and Design
Hotel Catering and Tourism
Hair and Beauty
We are committed to ensuring that every learner in our LCA Programme completes the course and progresses into the next phase of their lives with a Leaving Cert qualification.
‘Make sure you are in every day. Attendance is the most part of LCA’
We advise ‘When you are in you, you win!’
Click on the following links for more information
LCA | Curriculum Online
Leaving Certificate Applied | NCCA
What is the Leaving Cert Applied?