Loreto Secondary School
St Michael's

Head Girls Welcome

Head Girls Welcome

Hello. My name is Sarah Jane Donnelly. I am Head Girl here in Loreto St.Michael's.

I'd like to share with you some memories of the time I've spent here, the impact my 5 years have had on me as an individual to date and what it means to be a student in Loreto.

I came from Yellow Furze National School, a rural school in Beauparc, and it's always great to see some familiar faces around the corridors. Coming into this school was a daunting yet exciting experience. From a change in building size to triple the amount of students attending this school it was no doubt a big change from what I was used to.

However, I looked forward to finding my feet, meeting more great people and showcasing my talents in a new environment and I soon realised Loreto was the perfect place to do this. You are encouraged to embrace your true self and become your own unique individual.

When entering this school trying to follow in my sister's footsteps, I soon realised you have your own path to take, obstacles to overcome and challenges to tackle. This is a journey of self discovery and empowerment. When you embrace your authentic self, you radiate confidence and authenticity inspiring others to do the same. You yourself carve out your journey for your 5 or 6 years here .

When entering the school as you head into first year you don't realise how quickly the years can go by, from meeting new friends, learning new skills, discovering and showcasing your talents, the memories you make in this school are limitless .

As Quoted by William Butler Yeats ‘There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t met yet’.

The friends you make here in this school will help you make memories and cherish moments that you will have for years to come. A key role for me among the 40 student leaders is helping the first years get to know one another, and supporting them along the way.These memories are like snapshots in a photo album capturing moments of growth, friendship, laughter, and even challenges that shape you into the person you are becoming.

As the quick years go by, you can then reflect on the positive changes a school like this can have on you as a person. As I look back, I can still remember my very first day here, it only feels like yesterday and now here with the leaving cert just around the corner .

We are all here together in this school, in the same place but with different dreams and goals, guiding and lending a helping hand to each and every person standing by our side.

With so many talented individuals here in Loreto we are known for many achievements , from All-Ireland winners in Senior Gaelic Football, to Scifest Champions to Ceola Choir Competitors, there is truly something for everyone and each individual's potential is catered for - these would not be achievable if it wasn't for our extensive range of facilities such as our Music and PE hall, Home Economics, Tech Drawing, Computer and Art Rooms. During your time in school, you not only gain knowledge from textbooks but also learn invaluable life lessons from experiences and interactions with peers and teachers .

For me, I have learned I can make time to be a friend, a peer, make time to play on the Senior Basketball Team while also playing piano in the Music Hall.

Without a doubt I can say my time here in Loreto has been a rollercoaster. A rollercoaster full of lessons, challenges and exciting moments and it's one journey I look forward to seeing each and everyone in the school taking.

Thank you.

Feb 04
Mock Examinations
Feb 13
Parent/Guardian Meeting re 5th year trip to Paris
Feb 17
Midterm Break
Feb 27
5th year Parent Teacher Meeting
St. Michael's, Navan, Co. Meath, C15YF83
046 902 3830
Exams Commission
© 2025 Loreto Secondary School, Navan