Loreto Secondary School, St Michael's offers a wide range facilities to meets the needs of all students interests; sport, arts, science, wellbeing and learning.
Our facilities include
- Sports Hall with Gym
- 5 Science Labs
- 2 Home Economics Kitchens
- Prayer Room
- Classrooms both specialist and non-specialist
- Music Hall (for small concerts)
- 2 Art rooms
- Technical Graphics Room
- Canteen
- Library
- SET Suite
- Study Hall
- 2 Computer rooms and 8 Chromebook Carts for student use
- Former Chapel
We also have plenty of outdoor space, a football field, tennis/basketball courts, and eating areas with picnic benches for students to sit out and enjoy their lunch break and our recently added Slí na Sláinte for those who would like to take a short walk during lunchtime!